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Our Charities

Charity work at Springhill finds its foundation in the transformative message of John 4:14, where Jesus promises that the water he gives will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life. Just as Jesus encountered the Samaritan woman at the well, offering her this life-giving water, our charity work aims to extend hope and support to those in need.

Guided by our mission statement, "Together, we will do our best for Jesus," we strive to emulate Christ’s example of sacrificial love and compassion. At Springhill, charity work is an expression of stewardship; we use resources, time, and talents to serve others.


Together, we embody the spirit of service, guided by the teachings of Jesus Christ, to make a positive impact on our world.


Food bank

HCPT Group 170

HCPT Group 170


Michael Morris on LinkedIn: #rotary #rotaryguernesiais  #christmasshoeboxappeal #spreadjoy #greatcause…


Rotary Club Christmas Shoebox Appeal


Poppy Appeal


Coco's Foundation
